The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest by Melanie Dickerson, Book Review

Book Summary:

"Swan Lake" meets Robin Hood when the beautiful daughter of a wealthy merchant by day becomes the region's most notorious poacher by night, and falls in love with the forester.

Jorgen is the forester for the wealthy margrave, and must find and capture the poacher who has been killing and stealing the margrave's game. When he meets the lovely and refined Odette at the festival and shares a connection during a dance, he has no idea she is the one who has been poaching the margrave's game.

Odette justifies her crime of poaching because she thinks the game is going to feed the poor, who are all but starving, both in the city and just outside its walls. But will the discovery of a local poaching ring reveal a terrible secret? Has the meat she thought she was providing for the poor actually been sold on the black market, profiting no one except the ring of black market sellers?

The one person Odette knows can help her could also find out her own secret and turn her over to the margrave, but she has no choice. Jorgen and Odette will band together to stop the dangerous poaching ring . . . and fall in love. But what will the margrave do when he discovers his forester is protecting a notorious poacher?

My Review:

Dickerson has exceeded all of my expectations! I love her fairy tale re-tellings and this one takes the cake! She has effortlessly woven together Robin Hood and the Swan Princess into one unique and irresistible tale! With characters she had me so acquainted with I felt like I knew them, to heart wrenching circumstances I badly wanted to change, The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest was so authentic I felt like I was watching it all happen! Add to that the curve balls she threw at the end and you will be picking your jaw up off the floor by the time you read The End! One fantastic Christian fairy tale that I would recommend again and again, you will be happy you picked up your own copy! 

Happy Reading!!!

You can pick up your own copy via Amazon.

Source:  Publisher for review


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