Indebted by Amy A. Bartol

About the book:

I hang my head in sorrow for just a moment when I know I am truly alone. I feel like I’m going to my execution, just as he had said. Then I move forward again. I hop a fence of fieldstone and cross a field dotted with Queen Anne’s lace. Goose bumps rise on my arms as I pass the cluster of windmills that I have seen in a dream. The scent is sweet in the field though, not the scent of heat, like it had been when it was forced upon me in visions. I gaze down the hill, beyond the small, whitewashed house that I knew would be there. The church looms dark and grim with its rough-hewn, timber facade, capped by tall, oblong spires reaching to the sky. Black, ominous clouds have collected above the roofline, as if Heaven is showing me the way.

My Review:

I LOVED IT!  The 400+ pages flew by and I could have easily read 400 more!  Indebted picks up where Intuition left off.  Evie, Reed, Zephyr and Buns are planning their strategy against  Brennus and the Ganacagh.  Russell and Brownie are making their way to meet up with the other four.  I don't want to give away anything so I will just say that the story takes off and is full of action!  Amy A. Bartol writes so well that I could really understand the emotions that Evie felt during the book.  I  understood her character and why she thought, said and did things.  I loved the action and I loved the conflict!  The story is so magnetic that I could not stop reading, I was completely drawn into Evie's world.   The only thing that I would have liked would have been some of the story written from Reed's point of view.  Yes, I am a Reed fan!  Overall, this is a FANTASTIC read!  I highly recommend this series to anyone!  If you have not read this series yet, get on the ball now!  You can read my review of the first book  Inescapable and the second book Intuition to get a better feel for the series.  I am so anxious for the next book, Incendiary to come out!  Please hurry Amy A. Bartol!  Five Stars *****

You can pick up the paperback version via amazon here.

You can pick up the Kindle version here.

Happy Reading!!!

Source:  Author
I received this book for free.  If I had not, I would have purchased, read, and reviewed it anyway!


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